So I posted yesterday some pics of the fun we've had with the blower motor, but Dijar emailed me some more from his phone today I thought you guys might like. We spent some time seeing what floats and what doesn't when put in front of the fan and then we spent a lot more time with the kids taking turns in front of the fan themselves. (BTW, Nico and I tried it, but it really wasn't as great to us as Ella and Egan made it seem.)

D also sent some photos from last Sunday morning at the farm. There are new baby sheep this spring, Mocha and Latte, and they're getting more used to the kids each time we visit. Alex and Ella are holding Latte in this shot.

And I know this isn't the greatest picture (I am so bad at taking self-portraits--see how I cut off some of everyone's head here?), but I still like it--the sun, the hammock, the lazy Sunday feel.

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