Hope everyone had a great Halloween. These kiddos certainly did. We only trick-or-treated on our street, but still ended up with gobs of candy between Ella and Egan. Luckily they're not old enough yet to care too much about it, so they ate a few pieces and then we put it away in the pantry. Out of sight, out of mind. Enjoy the photos!
:: Egan the monkey, Nico the cow, and Ella, aka Fifi, the French poodle ::

:: Think this might be my favorite costume yet ::
:: A little blurry, but a lot cute ::

:: Love those ears, love those lashes, love that Nico ::

:: Egan wasn't at all interested in paparazzi this Halloween. He actually even took a swipe at the camera. I think maybe he went easy on us during those so-called "terrible twos" so he could really slam us throughout age 3. :) ::

:: Ella is the complete opposite in terms of taking photos--a total ham ::

:: Showing off the loot post-trick-or-treating ::
Love the pictures! Thanks for posting these. They're too cute. I love all the costumes. Love you, Grandma