But that doesn't keep the little ones in the house. Last weekend, we got out the giant slide that we bought before Ella's birthday last year. It's a little worse for wear after having been stored since summer, but still makes for lots of fun, especially when you have a dad like Dijar who doesn't mind throwing you over the top. Enjoy the pics of our good time.
:: These kids were absolutely flying over the top, and enjoying every minute of it. ::

:: Yes, this is little Nico, about to do a flip with full leg extension. He's prepping for the summer Olympics 2028. ::

:: These smiles kept pushing the "somebody's going to get hurt" thought out of my head. I still flinched a lot though. ::

:: Egan's hair is really growing out now. I've been trying to convince him to at least let me cut the front, but he's not interested so far, and I figure it's his hair. ::

:: Sharing the first dandelion of the year. ::

:: Cold but happy. ::