Now onto the part that you're really interested in, pics of the kiddos. I just realized when uploading these that I didn't get a single picture of Egan egg-hunting (was he just too fast? wearing his invisibility cloak? suffering from middle-child syndrome?) Whatever it was, sorry about that (especially to Egan), but do check out the photo of him in the bluebonnets below--I think it's my favorite of the flower pics.
:: Nico was more interested in eating the candy inside the eggs than hunting. After he found a couple on the porch, he had to be coaxed off to find more. Then he got distracted by the pond and pretty much skipped the Saturday egg hunt altogether. Good thing for him that we have a community Easter basket rule at our house. Good thing for me too. :) ::
:: Okay, here it is, probably my favorite pic of the day. Egan just has the sweetest, most wonderful smile. I see it and I think this can't be the same boy who smeared refried beans all over himself just so he could get a bath in the kitchen sink like Nico or tried to remove all the wallpaper border in his room in the middle of the night or used a black dry erase marker to decorate some plain white walls. That smile makes up for a lot of trouble-making. ::
:: I think it might be physically impossible to get three kids to sit still and take a posed photo, but two out of three isn't bad (well, one and a half if you take into account Ella's "I'm posing for a picture" crazy face). ::
:: This is actually the best of the three of them together, even with Nico not looking. Sometimes you just take what you can get. ::
Love all the pics! I'll check my camera and see if Dad got any pics of Egan at the egg hunt. My guess is that he did, I'm just not sure how they turned out. These are really great pics. I love how vibrant they are. Spring is definitely my favorite season and I'm so pleased with all the wildflowers bursting out. Makes me thankful for all the rain we got in the fall. We are truly blessed by family and our wonderful surroundings. Take care...Love you all, MOM/Grandma